Thursday, March 10, 2011

Orphaned Planets

Original posted on Oct 6, '09


A quick Correction (Villains in Our Universe)

I’ll just make a quick correction before someone from the Science Community sends me e-mail to correct me, of an inadvertent error I’ve made when replying to Frank’s comment,

“If the little black hole would touch our world with the edge of the event horizon it could possibly fling us out of our orbit at a velocity, whizzing past the black hole at 5,000 kilometres per second that’s over a million miles per hour, to somewhere either into outer space or another solar system in our galaxy. This could give us a dizzying headache before we die if we’d encounter anything different than a solar system where we’d be situated outside the goldilocks zone.”


Actually in theory our planet could survive if we’d get kicked out of our solar system. The gravity, the magnetic field, holds our atmosphere in place and our magnetosphere protects us from space weather, such as radioactive gamma rays, also known as space rain from super novas and solar flares.

Here is where CO2, greenhouse gases would actually be beneficial in keeping our planet warm and as long as our core is active and magma exits via volcanoes our earth would remain comfortably warm so that we could continue to live.

Our earth loses a little bit of atmosphere all the time but gets replenished through our trees and other microbial means, in short life would go on but with one draw back.

We would become a planemo, an orphaned planet forever in darkness lit by the many stars we’d be passing by and our moon, captured in our own gravity. Living without sunlight we’d end up looking “grey” and our energy would sink. With vitamins we could get our energy back but centuries from after we’d be kicked out into vast space we’d look like those aliens we fear of getting probed by in sci-fi movies.


There are in fact hundreds of planemos in our galaxy. Orphaned planets that got kicked out of their orbit. They drift in the darkness of space like sentries on guard, a world without days or years. Scientists don’t know yet how they got kicked out but speculate when a solar system is born by the gravitational pull of gathering all the dust thrown into the solar system after helium and hydrogen fused and a parent star is born, the dust gathering to build asteroids which then collide building planets. If there are too many planets in the solar system one planet can nudge another planet out of orbit where then it becomes a rogue planet.

Now that we also know that little black holes, 10 miles in diameter, zip around our galaxy all the time, it’s another speculative theory that can be added to what has caused some planets to be kicked out of their solar system.

In some way if Earth would be a rogue planet, space travel could be quite interesting seeing super novas’ left behind nebulas and star nurseries up close without the aid of a telescope, but on the other hand I wouldn’t want to get too close while a star goes super nova. In this case I’d prefer to remain inside our heliosphere (heliopause). The heliosphere is the immense magnetic bubble containing our solar system, solar wind, and the entire solar magnetic field.

A very nice place to be in.

Have a great week ahead and a safe one

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