Tuesday, March 20, 2012

It Came With the Fog!!

This is a good time to make a horror movie ….

Enshrouded in mist and fog IT followed, stalked and silently flowed ….. and so the story continues ….

Last Saturday March 17, 2012, I captured some pictures of a fog spreading over my land, finally engulfing it completely. This morning the Ontario news channel released the fog over Southern Ontario since last Sunday until today March 20th.

Ontario is now in a mini heat wave while here in Quebec we’re experiencing a most pleasant spring like day since yesterday. That is, Spring like for Florida or California maybe but for Quebec and Ontario no snow in March? Gasp.

No it doesn’t have anything to do with solar flares. Solar eruptions, CME’s from the sun, 90 million miles to travel through space at +3°C above absolute zero towards earth are not hot but instead radioactive.

(Absolute zero = (zero) 0K on the Kelvin scale and as (minus) −273.15° on the Celsius scale equals (minus) −459.67° on the Fahrenheit scale.)

It’s the radioactive charged particles and the electrically charged particles that fry satellites, power grids, and can shut down computers and cell phones. It’s not a frying like frying some eggs on a stove.

The unusual weather we are experiencing is caused by global warming CO2 trapped in our atmosphere, from fossil fuel burning.

To sum it up, weather patterns will be to extremes and this is what we can expect with global warming. Hurricanes will be stronger, tornadoes will be stronger, where it will rain will be more than before and where we experience drought will be stronger and longer than before.

We are now in the +3°C globally heading toward +4°C. Welcome to global warming.

Note: although YouTube is filled with 2012 predictions of impending doom, Solar Flares DO NOT cause polar ice caps to melt or extreme weather.

Solar Flares DO NOT cause earthquakes, tsunamis or volcanic eruptions.

Solar Flares DO NOT cause the poles to flip nor the magnetic field to vanish. The magnetic north has been moving for billions of years and each polar flip takes over hundreds of thousands years to complete. The geomagnetic field increases and diminishes to increase again but never vanishes.

Class M and Class X Flares possibly can cause satellite disruption in one specific area in a country’s province or state but not the entire world and/or interfere in passenger plane communications. Pilots are alerted by NOAA to divert their path and keep you safe.

The geomagnetosphere and our thick atmosphere is keeping us safe from solar flares and space weather. We have a very thick atmosphere which keeps us safe from radiation poisoning although on the poles the radiation will be stronger ergo NOAA advises all planes to divert the particular pole areas whenever solar particles interact with our geomagnetosphere and our atmosphere.

Wish you all a good week

Wabbit (Trudi)

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