Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Planet Hunters / Extreme Life

What if the planet hunters do realize their dream and find an earth like planet orbiting a star. What would our space faring ascendants find there when they arrive there? In such a varied, extreme universe even this long sought after world may not be an identical twin to earth. Any slight variation in its orbital position could make it too cold or too hot for humans. But other life forms may be more resilient.
A new group of scientists , astrobiologists have made the extraordinary discovery that primitive life forms could exist on even the most inhospitable rocky planets.
Collecting samples from these boiling obnoxious pools at Yellowstone national park in search of micro organisms. Some of the most resilient life forms on earth.
“We’re starting to think of life in terms of the whole planet. What is the climate shift of the planet mean? What is the tilt of the planet mean? How close to the sun, how far away, how the atmosphere might change. All this things are suddenly very interesting to planetary science.” Said Rothschild.
Her initial results are dramatic. Rothschild has discovered that life can flourish at temperatures thirty degrees above boiling point. With no oxygen, high salinity and with extreme acidity. Life can exist in far more extreme conditions than we had ever thought possible.
“Thirty years ago we would have thought that organisms could live at temperatures of boiling water or at zero PH, extremely acidic conditions. All of a sudden the idea that life might live on a planet circling another sun suddenly becomes not so crazy and it’s possible in the next twenty or thirty years we will even be able to push this envelop of life out even further. We may be able to even find organisms that can stand even more extreme conditions than we find them in today. And this will make it even more possible that we’ll find organisms on extra solar planets.” Said Rothschild. The discovery of new planets is a milestone that will change our entire view of the universe. So far we’ve only discovered worlds that are visions of hell.
But out there may be new worlds that are more hospital, more like our own. And maybe in the next millennium we will build space arcs, giant space ships equipped to carry whole generations of humans as they set out to explore and colonize new planets across the galaxy.
“One of my great dreams in life and who knows maybe it will happen; says Marcy; ”to fly in a space ship with some new fangled propulsion system taking us close to one of these extra solar planets that we discovered around a star.” These future space farers will be the ultimate pioneers.
“The true nature of the planetary systems out there in the universe is yet to be discovered.”
Our galaxy is filled with billions upon billions of stars and beyond lies countless more galaxies. Who knows what the next generation of planet hunters will discover. We stand at the beginning of the greatest chapter in the history of human exploration.

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